

Over the course of the last ten years, I’ve had the privilege of leading a monthly book club.  We read numerous books, different genres, and everyone in the club contributed in her unique way. As with anything, some of the books were exceptionally compelling, energizing, and powerful.  Here are some of them! 

The other suggestions were read in my own little personal-development space. Self help/personal development books were not a big hit amongst our members so…    

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman – One of my favorite stories of a profound impact one can have on those around him! Also a beautiful love story!!  Please read this book! 

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini – This is a heart wrenching story of an Afghan family, that focuses on women who endure struggles and abuse beyond belief.  This is a remarkable story that sheds light on the culture and the daily challenges faced by its people.  

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts –  The story is set in an underworld of contemporary Bombay, where the hidden society of beggars, spiritual gurus, soldiers, actors and exiles from other countries are seeking what they cannot find anywhere else.  You will feel like you’ve been to India and have become intimately immersed with its culture after you read this book!  So good! 

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson – Dr. Peterson invites his readers to embark on an intellectual, spiritual and ideological journey where he covers many different life topics.  The book is deep, profound and impactful and I will be re-reading it again in the near future! 

Limitless by Jim Kwik – Jim is a brain coach who empowers his readers with basic knowledge and tools to examine their mindset, motivation and methods. He offers simple steps one can take to regain composure, build confidence and achieve limitless results – no pun intended! 

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg – This is a great foundational book about habits; why we have them, how they are formed, and how to replace them.  I highly recommend this book if you are trying to instill any kind of discipline, start a new routine or maybe even a business.  

I hope you will find at least one book to read from the list and will suggest something in return!   

My current read is Atomic Habits by James Clear and my review to follow!  

Let’s read!