Personal Development


Have you considered your default state of mind or the state you’re most often in?  

Is it peace, joy, love, abundance, curiosity or frustration, lack, anger and fear? 

And remember, this is the mindset that you operate in when interacting with family and friends, making important decisions and impacting the world around you. 

To manage your mind effectively, you can start by observing what is the first thing that comes to mind each morning as you wake up. 

One of the best practices is to start your day being grateful.  Start your day by focusing on abundance rather than lack, resistance or negativity. 

Being intuitive to your feelings throughout the day, especially those of lack, frustration and negative thoughts, will help you better manage your mind. 

If you do observe these negative emotions, slow down or stop and bring in positive thoughts.  Even 15 seconds can change the game for you! 

Changing your mindset requires daily work, similarly like exercising and learning.  But by creating a habit of a positive mindset, you will operate out of you power and abundance rather than lack and fear.