

As we continue moving forward in 2021 (and as one coach pointed out, many are not making the mistake of writing 2020 as the date this year), I want to encourage you to look at your mindset. Clearly our experiences last year have influenced our thoughts and actions this year; however, we have the power to change what we think, how we respond, what we pursue and how we cope! 

In the book Get out of Your Head, Jeannie Allen explores some of her thoughts that were attacking and prevailing in the attack on her faith.  She describes in detail what it was doing to her, her family and her faith. Her negative thoughts created her assumptions, which created her beliefs, which created her actions and habits and what she had to do to take her life back. The one concept that can stop all the spiraling thoughts is: I have a choice!  

I strongly recommend this book if you are examining your limiting beliefs, your mindset and want to live your life intentionally! 

My second recommendation builds on the idea of intentionality and how our response to our circumstances can propel us further in our pursuit of our purpose. The story of Viktor Frankl is a widely known story and is highly sighted in various literature: Man’s Search for Meaning.  

In this book, Dr. Frankl describes how he survived four different concentration camps in the 1940s.  He encourages us all to look at our circumstances, learn from the challenges, find meaning in hardship because we cannot avoid all suffering. But our response, whether we learn, resist, become bitter or find meaning will either renew our purpose or keep us buried in our suffering.